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Finding an Eczema Treatment That Works for You
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Finding an Eczema Treatment That Works for You

eczema treatment

Eczema treatment For You

Using the mind to help the mind

We’ve have seen how the brain, to be helpful, will exacerbate the itch/scratch cycle. Scratching becomes a subconscious defense that we do without being totally aware. We simply respond automatically by scratching. The good news is that the brain will always be eager to help us. We just need to send it the correct messages.

Stress cannot be eliminated from our lives, and the lack of stress wouldn’t totally get rid of eczema. But identifying and eliminating stress will go a long way in making eczema less painful. There is no cure for eczema. You can, however, rid yourself of most of the symptoms.

Eczema and your emotions

We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have emotions, both positive and negative. When we suffer from eczema, however, our unresolved emotional life can cause havoc.

Taking care of the self becomes critical to our skin health. Every person is different, and every self-help method may not work for every person, but it is worth the time to experiment and determine what methods work best at elevating your positive feeling and eliminating the negative, triggering emotions.

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Daydream
  • Psychotherapy
  • Repressed Anger
  • Processing Repressed Anger

Eczema and meditation

Meditation has been used for thousands of years to alleviate depression and anxiety. With depression and anxiety being an active trigger for an eczema flareup, many people have found relief from itching through meditation. It is difficult to say whether anxiety and depression cause eczema or whether eczema causes anxiety and depression. But the link has been unequivocally established.

Just fifteen minutes a day can reestablish improved communication between the mind and body. Find a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale. Concentrate on each intake of breath and each release of breath. It’s as simple as that. Keep your focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, and it will, simply bring it back into focus.

Yoga for Eczema

Yoga, especially when used in conjunction with meditation, has been proven to strengthen the mind-body connection which can get so misaligned for eczema sufferers.

Yoga is all about focus. When you focus on the various poses, your mind is less focused on your struggling immune system that is irritating your skin. When calmness rules your brain, irritants lose their power. It gives your skin a chance to relax and heal itself.

Wet water wraps

You may not have heard of these, but wet wraps drench your skin in water and lessen the severity of eczema by up to 75 percent when applied along with your topical ointment. This can bring huge relief during a major flareup.

Eczema and the right cream and ointment

There is an overwhelming amount of eczema products on the market. It can be difficult to make sense of it all, but a discussion with your dermatologist can help. Then, there are some surprising lubricants the doctor may not even think of:

  • Vegetable shortening
  • Vaseline® Jelly

Lotions and potions

Any cream or lotion is better than no moisturizer when you have eczema. When choosing a cream, look for one containing colloidal oatmeal, which is an ingredient that is known to soothe eczema.

Facial eczema

Eczema on the face can be especially frustrating and uncomfortable to handle. Many of the steroid-based creams on the market can be too harsh for sensitive facial skin. If the rash proves stubborn, ask your dermatologist about a weaker steroid cream or a non-steroid prescription medication.


This is a light therapy that can be extremely effective as an eczema treatment, especially for facial skin. The treatment consists of ultraviolet light that recreates natural sunlight. Approximately 70 percent of eczema-sufferers who try photo-therapy see improvement on their skin.

Home remedies if you have eczema

People with eczema are quick to look at creams to remedy the problem, and these can be very helpful. However, the good news for eczema-sufferers is there are several great products right in your home that can help with the treatment of itchy skin and reduce inflammation. Discuss any home treatment with your dermatologist before beginning.

  • Aloe Vera
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Bleach Bath
  • Colloidal Oatmeal Bath
  • Coconut Oil
  • Honey
  • Tea Tree Oil

Coping with eczema every day

We’ve discussed the role that emotions and stress play in itchy skin and eczema flareups. We’ve also reviewed the best natural remedies to control the symptoms of eczema.

Allergy-proof your home

If you are suffering from eczema, common household allergens can make your life sheer misery. There are triggers literally around your house. Below is a plan to rid your home of allergens and potential eczema triggers forever.


Don’t turn your bedroom into a dust-mite paradise. Wash your bedding once a week. Make sure you rid yourself of any skin irritating wool blankets.

Your floors

Let’s face it. Carpets are a lure for every imaginable allergen, from dander, mold spores, and dust mites. You may not be aware of it, but there’s a party happening in your carpets all the time.

The deeper your carpet, the happier the festivities.

Curtains and blinds

Make sure your curtains and blinds are made of washable material and clean them at least once a month. Your blinds should have wide slates for easy dusting and cleaning.


Fresh air is great. Unfortunately, open windows are an invitation for pollen to enter your home. Keep your windows closed and used air conditioning when needed.


Upholstering can harbor dust mites. Instead, opts for furniture made of wood, leather, and other materials that are easy to clean.


Unless you live a minimalist lifestyle, there will be a clutter. That’s especially true if you have children. Dust books and knickknacks at least once a week. Place children’s toys in a bin. Wipe down all surfaces at least once a day.


You love them, but they come with allergens. If you are considering getting a pet, discuss your allergy-free option with a veterinarian. Once you have your pet, bathe it once a week.


A humidifier will keep the air from becoming too dry during the winter months You should keep the all-around temperature of your home at around 72 degrees.


Certain houseplants are great for removing allergens from the air.


Pests are annoying enough, but they also leave a residue that can trigger allergies. It’s a good idea to have a professional exterminator fumigate your house.


There should be no smoking in your entire house. No exceptions.


Like cockroaches, mold grows with moisture. Remove damp clothes from your washing machine as soon as they are done.

Washing machines can be a breathing ground for mold.

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